Friday 11 November

16h00 SATS Transplantation across the blood group barrier the role for immunoadsoption columns Jeff Zaltz

Pre-Congress Workshop SATS Organ Allocation Workshop

Saturday 12 November

08h00 SATS An approach to the technically challenging paediatric liver transplant Jean de Ville

8h40 SATS The Role of Interventional Radiology in Solid Organ Transplant Charles Sanyika

09h00 SATS ECMO in the armamentarium of transplantation - Greg Calligaro

10h50 SATS An approach to desensitation in potential kidney transplant recipients Malcom Davies

11h30 SATS Non-invasive detection of renal allograft rejection Johan Nel

13h30 SATS Multi visceral transplantation when one organ is not enough Jonathan Hind (UK)

14h00 SATS Split liver transplantation maximising the deceased donor pool_Jean de Ville de Goyet

14h15 SATiBA Expanding eye donation network in North-India Anna Salz (Germany)

14h20 SATS Liver transplantation from HIV positive donors to HIV negative recipients Marissa Beretta

15h00 SATS Maximising the kidney donor pool by use of DCD donors David Thomson

15h15 SATiBA Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations update Heather Machin (Australia)

17h10 SATiBA Prevalance of Microbial growth Sandra Venter

Sunday 13 November

08h00 SATiBA The effect of tissue import export Heather Machin (Australia)

09h20 SATS The NASH patient mitigating cardiovascular risk peri-transplant Mark Eagar

11h20 SATS Mental health and kidney transplantation Clare McKeaveney & Calire Carswell (Ireland)

Important Dates

Abstract Submission


Early Bird Registration Closes

Thursday, 11 August

Online Registration Closes

Thursday, 27 October
All Rights Reserved SATS / SATiBA